My OT Mom E-booksTM are full of simple exercises and activities that can be done at home, with resources that you probably already have on hand!
I have compiled a lot of the free information and activities from my website into affordable e-books that can be downloaded and accessed whenever you need them. In addition, many of my e-books contain additional, exclusive photographed exercises and activities, with detailed instructions for each activity/exercise as well as resources such as checklists and planners which are not found on my website.
My e-book sales enable me to keep this website freely available for parents and teachers worldwide. Thank you for supporting my website!
Most of the activities in my gross motor e-books are exclusive to my e-books and are not found on my website. The gross motor e-books are therefore rich resources of information and activities to build specific skills.
This 55-page resource contains:
Read a detailed description of my Bilateral Coordination Activities E-Book!
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This 49-page resource contains:
Read a detailed description of my Core Exercises for Kids E-Book!
This 40-page resource contains:
Read a detailed description of my Shoulder Girdle Exercises for Kids E-Book!
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There are more than 32 pages of fine motor, scissor cutting and pencil grip pages on my website, so it is a lot to work through! By popular request, I compiled all this information into an accessible format, and created my downloadable Fine Motor OT Mom E-books.
In addition, there are some activities and tips that are exclusive to my e-books and do not feature on my site. You can read, print out and work through the activities in the e-book, much more easily than trying to find and save pages from my website.
More than 20 pages of information including:
Read a detailed description of The Pencil Grip E-Book!
This 68 page resource contains:
Read a detailed description of my Fine Motor Activities E-Book!
Read detailed descriptions of my Scissor Skills E-Book, and my Fun Cutting Templates Printable!
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Read a detailed description of my Fun Cutting Templates Printable!
I created these Christmas printable packs to help kids work on their fine motor skills with a Christmas theme.
Often, kids with poor fine motor skills feel that they can't make anything look nice, but my Christmas Scissor Cutting and Fine Motor Christmas Activities give them lots of opportunities to do a Christmas activity with a lovely end result.
I also love word searches as a way of helping kids work on visual discrimination and figure-ground perception skills, so I created a bunch that can be used at Christmas-time!
So hop on over and view my Christmas Printables for Kids!
I have partnered with some very gifted therapists at Your Therapy Source, who have created amazing visual perception and visual motor resources (among others).
I have specifically reviewed and linked to the printable worksheets and workbooks that I have found most useful, as well as best value for money. So, these are not my own printable resources, but they are ones I use a LOT and recommend highly.
Click on the images below to visit the pages where I review and sell these helpful printables that you can use over and over again with different students/kids each year!
These OT Mom E-BooksTM are sold for individual use. Permission is given to access, download and/or print the OT Mom E-BooksTM for personal or non-commercial use ONLY, within your own family, classroom or therapy room.
However, if you want to have access to multiple
copies, for example for a group of teachers in your school, or multiple
therapists in a therapy center, please make use of the Bulk Purchase option for organizations. The bulk purchase enables you to make the resources available for up to 10 people, for the price of 3 copies!
Read my Terms of Service for more information.
PayPal is simply a payment processor, and you can use your card to pay - you don't need a PayPal account.
If you don't like using PayPal, I do understand. I am unfortunately very limited in my choice of payment processor as I live in South Africa, and most payment processors don't work with South African banks. I wish I could accommodate you with other options, but this is out of my hands at this point in time.
Thank you for understanding and for supporting my site despite your dislike of PayPal!
Thank you for your interest in my OT Mom E-Books! I hope you find some that help you!
Please sign up for my occasional newsletter to receive updates about new resources and activity pages as they become available!
And please do let others know about these resources if you found them helpful!
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Terms and Conditions: All of the OT Mom E-BooksTM are digital products, not physical products. You will receive access to the digital file(s), allowing you to download, read and/or print the resources as needed for your personal, non-commercial use within your own family, classroom or therapy room for years to come.
Read my Terms of Service for more information. A discounted Bulk Purchase option is available if you require multiple copies for a school or therapy center.
Please note that my website and e-books
are NOT a substitute for an occupational therapy evaluation and treatment!