Free Gross Motor Activities!

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Regular gross motor activities should be an essential part of every child’s life. 

Through play, through games, and through sport, children can develop their gross motor skills which ultimately benefit their school skills such as handwriting, concentrating, following instructions, sport skills and team work.

However, if your child struggles to take part in gross motor games and exercises, it can be hard to get them excited about running, jumping, hopping, and playing with a ball! Sometimes, it helps to work on specific areas that may need support.

Over the years I have developed many free pages full of photographed gross motor ideas to help kids get moving and work on their gross motor skills - so find the area you want to work on with your child and have fun!

I've categorized the different pages on my website with a brief overview of each category. All pages contain photos, tips, and loads of helpful information.

The advice and learning activities on this website are NOT a replacement for evaluation and treatment by an occupational therapist. If you suspect your child has gross motor delays, please seek a professional opinion and read my disclaimer before proceeding.

Core and Shoulder Girdle Exercises

Your child’s core muscles are vital to good performance in the classroom. Without a stable core, he/she will struggle to sit still at a desk and to carry out fine motor tasks.Your child also needs stability at the shoulder girdle to help fine motor skills to develop well.

These pages on my site will help you find photographed gross motor activities to work on those areas. You can also read more about why the shoulder girdle and core muscles are so important in a child's development!

Check Out My Core And Shoulder Girdle E-books!

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 Coordination Activities

Children need to develop coordination skills in order to carry out everyday tasks like tying shoelaces, eating with a knife and fork, cutting with scissors, handwriting, playing ball games... and many more!

These pages on my site will give you helpful information, useful tips, and lots of fun photographed coordination activities you can do with your child at home.

Check Out My Bilateral Coordination E-Book!

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More Gross Motor Ideas

These gross motor exercises incorporate ideas from various gross motor pages on my site. Some of the exercises are ideal to do with a small group of children as well as individually, to help develop their gross motor skills.

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Info and Tips on Gross Motor Skills Development

Why are gross motor skills important? Why do some kids struggle with gross motor skills? What can affect my child's gross motor development?

The articles below contain some answers to these questions and many more!

Enjoy browsing - I hope you find them useful!

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Scheduling Gross Motor Activities

So, you want to start doing more gross motor activities with your child - so when, where and how?

There is no hard and fast rule about how often to do these activities. It depends on your child's abilities and also on your family's lifestyle. Take a look at your family’s daily and weekly routine.

Each family is different and you need to decide what works best for you. I believe you will see the most progress if you can incorporate 10 to 20 minutes of fun activities 3 times a week, but see what works for you.

  • Daily routine: is there a time of day when it is generally possible for you to focus on your child for 10 minutes? After breakfast if you homeschool? After a rest time in the afternoon? Between bath and bed? Can you make a 10-minute break in the homework routine in the afternoon? Are there any activities you can make a regular part of family outings, family life?
  • Weekly Routine: Which afternoon are you usually home without extra-mural activities? Or can you head for the playpark while you wait for your other child to finish extra-murals? What about Saturdays before chores?

Remember that incorporating gross motor exercises into your family’s life has wonderful long-term benefits!

Look at other ways of improving your child’s general fitness levels with gross motor activities such as swimming, playing catch, cycling and walking on the beach.

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Gross Motor Resources

What resources do you need for gross motor games and activities? Many of the activities I suggest use surprisingly little equipment, which is great for saving money!

Balls, ropes, access to a play park - these are all readily available resources.

Second hand shops often stock bats, small trampolines and other gross motor items, so it is worth checking them out.

Are you looking to have these activities at your fingertips in an accessible format?

My Gross Motor E-Books will give you all the information and activities you need to have fun doing focused gross motor exercises with your child at home.

Each affordable e-book contains a LOT more activities than you will find on my site, in an easily accessible download!

These Chair Exercises from YTS are great brain breaks to help kids get their focus back during long lessons. There are posture exercises, strength exercises, calming exercises, energy exercises and body exercises - all of which can be done in a chair or wheelchair!

You can order the 5 color posters in printed format#Ad (with PRIME delivery in the USA) or you can get a digital bundle#Ad of color posters, full page versions of each exercise, and exercise cards - in black and white or color.

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I hope you found this page helpful and informative, and that you have been inspired to help your child develop gross motor skills!

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The best, free gross motor activities for kids and helpful gross motor information for parents and teachers!

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Free Printable Gross Motor Download!

This free printable download helps you to understand how gross motor skills can have an impact on your child in the classroom.

It is part of a set of 3 handouts that I compiled to help parents understand how gross motor, fine motor and visual perception skills can affect your child's learning.

You will get all 3 handouts absolutely free when you sign up for my newsletter!

Find out more about my newsletter!

free printable download with information about gross motor skills

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