Little Pencil
Finds His Forever Friends

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Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends is a lovely resource for preschools and therapists as well as for parents of little kids who are learning to use a pencil.

I was approached by the talented author, Christine Calabrese, to write the preface for this book; however this review is unpaid and is my honest opinion.

review of Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends

From an OT Perspective

As an occupational therapist, I really appreciated the way this book approaches the use of a pencil.

Many little kids are starting to use pencils to write at a very early age. Whether they are trying to copy an older child or following the instructions of a well-meaning adult, their little fingers and hands are just not ready to control the pencil to get good results.

Sadly, many fine motor tasks are seen as childish, and inferior to the use of a pencil. The result is often a distorted pencil grip, and/or frustration and avoidance of future handwriting tasks.

So the timing of learning to use a pencil is really important.

This book addresses the issue creatively and with engaging rhymes and pictures...

The story goes that Little Pencil is feeling sad because he hasn't been used yet - he sees the fingers using all kinds of other resources such as scissors and clay, and he sees the child engaging in gross motor activities and creative art activities.

And Little Pencil wonders why he has been left out!

However, all these activities are actually strengthening the hands and fingers in preparation for using a pencil for handwriting!

Little Pencil is feeling sad because he isn't being used yetLittle Pencil is feeling left out

So by the time the child picks up Little Pencil, the fingers are ready to do a really good job!

Using "Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends"

This is a marvelous little rhyming book that will make children (and their parents and teachers) aware of the correct pencil grip as well as the activities which can strengthen little hands and fingers to get them ready for using the pencil.

Once kids are familiar with the story, it is fun to refer to the Little Pencil character when engaging in fine motor activities - reminding the kids that this activity will help the Forever Friends to get strong to help Little Pencil.

Poor Little Pencil, he waits so long

While fun activities make the fingers strong

Now his forever friends hold him “just right”

And they work together in learning to write.

Amazon stocks this book as a hard copy and as a Kindle version- these are my affiliate links to this book for your convenience. (As an affiliate, I may receive a small commission on sales).

However, you can also check your local bookstores for this marvelous book!

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