Left-handed scissors for kids are an important part of a lefty’s school supplies. However, they are often overlooked. This article aims to explain why special lefty scissors are important and how they differ from right handed and ambidextrous scissors.
The important difference between left-and right-handed scissors is that their blades attach differently. Left-handed scissors have reversed blades when compared to right handed scissors.
Understanding this will help you understand why regular scissors don't work left handed!
In this picture, the scissors with blue handles are left scissors. Both scissors have been orientated so their handles are in the same position so you can compare them.
Look carefully at the blades and you will see that the top blade of the left-handed scissors is the mirror image of the top blade of the right-handed scissors.
These reversed blades have some definite advantages for left-handed kids:
This will help to make scissor cutting a less frustrating task for your child!
When a left-handed child used right-handed scissors, they could do this in two ways, both of which have undesirable results:
Your left-handed child uses the right hand to cut with the right-handed scissors.
They may make this choice because the scissors open and close more smoothly and the cutting line is more visible.
HOWEVER, this means that your child's left hand is not getting the fine motor practice that it really needs. Handwriting skills may potentially suffer as a result.
Your left-handed child uses the right-handed scissors in the left hand.
They may make this choice because the left hand is the more able hand and they naturally want to use that hand.
HOWEVER, it means that your child will probably end up holding the paper or the scissors awkwardly in order to see the line properly, and this may result in unnecessary frustration and untidy cutting.
Read more about how left-handed scissors can benefit your lefty.
scissors are often marketed as suitable for both left and right-handed users. This is because the handles have been designed to be comfortable in either hand.
HOWEVER, these scissors do not have reversed blades and are essentially
right-handed scissors with comfortable handles. They do not offer the
benefits that true left-handed scissors do, and will not help your lefty develop their scissor cutting skills.
So, do yourself a favor and check the blades of ambidextrous scissors against regular scissors - if they are fixed the same way, they are not true left handed scissors.
If you are looking for
true left-handed scissors for kids in your home or class, then I have linked to
a few on Amazon for your convenience. These are similar to ones I use myself. Most stationery shops and department stores now stock left-handed scissors, so they are readily available.
When your left handed child uses left handed scissors for the first time, you may need to help your child learn how to cut on the line again!
1) If your child was using right-handed scissors in the left hand, they were probably holding the scissors and the paper awkwardly to be able to view the blades on the line.
So take some time to
show how they can hold the paper more naturally, and be able to follow the
cutting motion more easily with left handed scissors!
This could be as simple as cueing your child to tilt the head slightly
to see that the line is now clearly visible with the reversed blades!
2) If your child was using the right hand to cut, then it will take a little bit of practice to master the cutting motion with the left hand, and to maneuver the paper with the right hand.
Encourage your child to cut out some straight lines and simple shapes to get the hang of it again.
Patience and practice!
Whether your child is left-handed or right-handed, it is helpful to have the right resources for learning scissor skills!
The principles of how to hold scissors, and how to cut along the line, and how to cut out shapes, all apply in exactly the same way when using left handed scissors for kids who are left handed.
These printable scissor skills resources have been especially compiled to support parents and teachers who want to help their kids learn to master scissor skills. Download them and use them over and over with all your kids.
It is important to understand how true left-handed scissors can make a significant difference in your child's life, whether they are beginners or more experienced.
Providing left scissors can help your child develop essential fine motor skills and make the learning process more enjoyable and less frustrating.
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