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Poor Fine Motor Skills: OT Mom's Advice

Concerned about your child's poor fine motor skills? OT Mom answers some real-life parent questions, with practical tips and resources.

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Classroom Support for Left-Handed Kids

Practical support for left-handed kids in the classroom and at home. Help your leftie learn to write and to cope effectively with different learning situations!

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Visual Perception Activities For Older Kids

Have fun while building skills with these visual perception activities for older kids!

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Benefits of Chores for Kids

There are many benefits of chores for kids - chores can help with gross motor skills, coordination skills and more!

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Best Brain Breaks For Kids

Here are my favorite printable brain breaks for kids of all ages to do in the classroom or at home!

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Free Playdough Activities With Maximum Benefit!

Use these free playdough activities to help build your child's fine motor and bilateral coordination skills!

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Visual Motor Activities For Toddlers and Preschoolers

Simple toddler and preschool visual motor activities to help develop eye-hand coordination.

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Baking With Kids - 5 Ways Your Child Will Benefit

5 good reasons why baking with kids is a great activity for the holidays! Develop coordination skills, math skills, fine motor skills and more!

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Fine Motor Skills Worksheets And Printables

Make use of these fine motor skills worksheets and printables to help your child practice fine motor skills and pencil control!

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Dealing With Picky Eaters

Tips for dealing with picky eaters, from an occupational therapist and a mom!

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