How to help my timid child

by Concerned Mom

My son aged 4 has just started grade k-1. He is smart but he is a little timid. If a child hits him he won't say anything to the teacher - he would cry or he would wait till he comes home from school and then he would tell me about it "I was crying in school because A hit me with a block".

I have spoken to the teacher but she knows nothing about the situation. What can I do to help him be more brave? I need help please.

Comments for How to help my timid child

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by: Anonymous

Hmm.. maybe if you invited some of the other children over to play with your boy (one at a time:) he might feel more comfortable around them at K1. Familiarity always helps with the timid (I was one)

Role play?
by: Anonymous

Hi there,
Perhaps if you role play the situation at home, you can help your son to think through and act out the possible ways he can respond to situations? You can use yourself and other family members to be the other child, the teacher etc.

I think sometimes we forget that children need to LEARN how to respond appropriately to different situations. Many parents have the problem of their kids respond inappropriately because they have been watching inappropriate tv, or watching older children being rough, rude etc.

I think it is a huge privilege for you to be able to help your son in this way, that you can teach him helpful responses from the start.

Good luck!

PS I also agree that making friends one at a time can help your child feel more confident...

a helpful website link
by: OT Mom

Hi there

This has to be one of the harder things a parent has to go through - knowing your child is miserable at school and feeling quite helpless to help your child.

A friend with a website for First Graders wrote this article on dealing with mean kids - you can see it at

Although written with First Grade kids in mind, it certainly has relevance for kids of all ages. Hope it helps!

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