New Year, New Possibilities:
For You And For Me!
Happy New Year! Are you looking at the year ahead with fresh eyes, hopeful of the possibilities that lie ahead? I definitely am!
So here I am, with the first OT Mom newsletter of 2025: I have a big request to make, a big discount for my followers, and some words of encouragement!
A Big Request
I often receive feedback that visitors love that my website does not have ads. This is deliberate as I want to give you the best experience possible.
However, AI and algorithms have hit hard in the last year and I need to boost my profile with Google and on social media – and this is where you can help me – and it won’t cost you anything!
If you have been helped by my website or e-books, please will you pop over and leave me a rating or a review?

Rate or Review OT Mom Learning Activities!
Another way you can help: if you are on Instagram or Facebook, please will you follow me?
I have only recently started these profiles, am rather new to it all, and would really, really appreciate the boost! I am excited to start connecting with you on those platforms!
Follow me on Instagram!
Follow me on Facebook!
All of the above will cost you nothing except a few minutes of your time, and will make a massive difference to me, especially if you have found any part of my website helpful!
A Big Discount!
2024 was tough for many of you, and I know that my resources, while fairly priced, may seem out of reach. So here is a big discount just for you, my newsletter readers…
For 5 days only, until Sunday January 5, you can get ANY of my OT Mom resources at 50% off, with this exclusive promo code: happy2025
Just choose the OT Mom resources you need, and apply the promo code at checkout to get this unprecedented discount! You also now have the ability to preview the resources before purchasing, to see if they will meet your needs.
This discount is NOT advertised on my site and can only be used with the promo code – but please do feel free to share the code with friends and family!

Get 50% Off My OT Mom Resources!
5 Days Only!
A Word of Encouragement!
Time with your children goes so quickly, and it is important to take time out to just enjoy a moment with them, every day. There are so many distractions and demands on our time, that it is really easy to get through the whole day without actually sharing a moment to just BE with your child.
What is a moment?
It can be as simple as eye-contact with a smile and a hug that says “I love you”. It can be a little more time consuming, like taking time to read a favorite book, or taking time to look at something interesting together, like a rainbow, an insect or a snowflake.
A moment can be stopping to pay attention to a conversation your child is having with you, making eye contact and responding attentively to what is being said. It can be spontaneously sharing a soda or a snack at an unexpected moment, and focusing on enjoying the treat together.
A moment can be anything that your child appreciates, and it is those shared moments
that children cherish in their memories as they grow up, that make them feel that you really cared.
No matter what challenges or obstacles lie ahead, no matter how busy the year ahead may be, may we always take a moment each day with each child in our lives.
May 2025 be blessed with much joy and happy memories with your child/ren, in whatever context you are with them!
Living Life Abundantly!
John 10:10

Check Out My OT Mom Resources!
This information and the suggested activities on my email and website are meant to promote your child’s normal development. If you are at all concerned about your child's development, please consult your health professional. The information on my email and website is not intended to take the place of an occupational therapy evaluation and treatment!