Can Your Child Spot Something
In A Busy Background?
Can your child find a toy in a messy cupboard, and spot his/her socks in a pile of laundry?
Can your child easily spot words in a dictionary, and accurately copy information off a busy board?
Figure-ground perception activities can help to build this useful skill!
Figure-ground perception is the ability to visually spot or focus on an object (the "figure") in a busy background (the "ground").
This skill helps us to not lose our place on the page when reading, and helps us find information on a busy noticeboard or blackboard. Working with a map or a dictionary also requires good figure-ground perception skills.
I have two pages on my site that have free, photographed activities to help you build this visual perceptual skill with your child.
There is a page of simple figure-ground activities for younger kids (toddlers and preschool) and a page of information and figure-ground perception
activities that could help elementary grade kids.

Figure Ground Activities For Younger Kids

Figure-Ground Perception Tips and Activities
*****Don't Miss Two Great Summer Deals!*****
My Mega Motor Bundle is on sale at $25 (instead of $32) until June 30!
This bundle includes core exercises, bilateral coordination activities, shoulder girdle exercises, fine motor activities, and my scissor skills bundle.
These PDFs are PACKED with photographed, hands-on activities mostly using everyday household resources, that you can do at home with your kids. Not a worksheet in sight!
There are planners in each resource (except the scissor bundle) to help you plan activities to meet your child’s needs.

View The Mega Motor Discount Deal!
Your Therapy Source is selling their Summer Sensory Motor Bundle at more than 80% off!
You will get 25 Summer Activity Packets to work on fine motor, gross motor, handwriting and visual perceptual skills, for just $19!
Don’t miss this awesome deal – it goes away on June 7!

Get the Summer Sensory Motor Bundle from Your Therapy Source!
I hope you find these pages and resources to be useful!
Please do feel free to share this email with anyone you think will benefit from this information!
Thanks so much for joining me again this month!
Living Life Abundantly!
John 10:10

View My OT Mom Resources!
This information and the suggested activities on my email and website are meant to promote your child’s normal development. If you are at all concerned about your child's development, please consult your health professional. The information on my email and website is not intended to take the place of an occupational therapy evaluation and treatment!