Gross Motor Activities And School Readiness
It’s the time of year when kids are getting ready to start school again, or maybe start school for the first time! It’s very exciting, a bit daunting, and rather busy!
In all the hustle and bustle of getting school supplies, and helping kids learn to read and count and write their ABC’s, don’t forget about the positive impact gross motor activities can have on your child!
My last few newsletters have been focusing on specific areas of gross motor ability, such as core strength and stability, bilateral coordination and shoulder girdle stability, but this time I want to take a step back to help you see the bigger picture.
Did you know that taking part in gross motor activities can help lay a good foundation for formal learning?
Gross motor activities are not just about helping your kids to be good at sport. As an occupational therapist, I know that gross motor activities help provide
kids with a good foundation for formal learning.
If you want to know more about how gross motor activities can help your child in the classroom or when working at home, than pop on over and read this article on my site.
Although the focus of this article is on getting pre-schoolers ready for formal learning, the principles are true for all children! Each section of this article will link you through to free activities and tips on my website!

How Gross Motor Activities Can Help Prepare Your Child For Learning
Handwriting Heroes!
Does your child need to master letter and number formations in the next few weeks?
Why not check out these lovely printable resources from Handwriting Heroes? They are my favorite resources for teaching letter formations in a way that kids remember!

Letter Formation Printable Resources
Please do feel free to share this email with anyone you think will benefit from this information or resources!
Thanks so much for joining me again this month! Keep healthy and strong!
Living Life Abundantly! John 10:10

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This information and the suggested activities on my email and website are meant to promote your child’s normal development. If you are at all concerned about your child's development, please consult your health professional. The information on my email and website is not intended to take the place of an occupational therapy evaluation and treatment!