Do Left-Handed Kids Need
Special Support?
There are so many ways in which lefties excel in the modern world - from creative arts to sports and more. There is really no reason why left-handed kids should struggle in any way.
However, living as a lefty in a predominantly right-handed world does have some unique challenges that can make the learning process a bit frustrating and awkward, especially when the parent or teacher is right-handed and unaware of the challenges.
If you have a left-handed child in your family or in your class, then this new article is for you!
Whether your child is just starting formal schooling, or is entering high school, my new article is full of practical support and strategies to reduce awkwardness and frustration in the classroom, and make learning more fun.
This applies not just to fine motor skills, seating position and handwriting, but also to hands-on subjects, too!

Classroom Support for Left-Handed Kids
Here's an updated page on a related topic...
If you have a lefty, you may be asking if left-handed scissors are actually a thing? Is it really worth getting them special scissors?
Absolutely, yes! If you are unsure, then read this updated page to find out how left-handed scissors can make a difference to your left-handed child!

Are Left-Handed Scissors Actually A Thing?
Please do share this email or the articles with anyone you think will benefit!
If you are in any way concerned about your child's development, please seek a professional opinion to give your child the best possible assistance.
All the best as you help the children in your life!
Living Life Abundantly!
John 10:10

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This information and the suggested activities on my email and website are meant to promote your child’s normal development. If you are at all concerned about your child's development, please consult your health professional. The information on my email and website is not intended to take the place of an occupational therapy evaluation and treatment!